Sometimes, a world-changing discovery can be down to just one university student. This is one of the reasons why the Via Chimica Prize came into existence. The Prize is awarded annually for an original student work (an article, bachelor’s thesis or a study designed exclusively for the competition). It is open to talented chemistry students of Czech universities. The deadline for applications is January 31, 2022. The winner of the Via Chimica award, who is selected by the joint evaluation committee of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic and the Experientia Foundation, will receive a personal award of CZK 50,000 from the Experientia Foundation. In addition to the scientific achievement itself, we also assess the candidate’s ability to explain their work in both scientific and lay language. It is our belief that the targeted and long-term support of chemistry talent can have a significant influence on Czech chemistry and push the discipline to the very top, perhaps even to another Nobel Prize. You can find more about the Via Chimica Prize
The Experientia foundation is launching a new program Via Chimica aimed at university students
Řekli o nás
“Mám radost z toho, že můžu naplnit ideu Nadace Experientia, vrátit zkušenosti ze zahraničí zpět české vědě a přinést zajímavá témata.”
Mgr. Ondřej Kováč, Ph.D.
“Díky stipendiu Nadace Experientia můžu pracovat na jednom z nejmodernějších pracovišť v Japonsku v kolektivu lidí z celého světa.”
Mgr. Dominik Madea, Ph.D.
“Yale pro mě symbolizuje prestiž. Je to jedna z předních světových univerzit. A já tam teď budu moci díky Nadaci Experientia strávit celý rok.”
Ing. Karolína Vaňková, Ph.D.
“Svým studentům jsem díky Bezva chemii mohla přiblížit tajemství a krásu chemie, která se skrývá v každém všednodenním kousku našich životů.”
Mgr. Veronika Fialová